Category Archives: Processing

I don’t know nuthin’

Let me start again by getting right into my newest fascination, Processing. Processing is a computing language and enviroment developed by some good people at MIT to help us artists, designers, and developers create some pretty neat stuff and learn programming in the process (ha). I’m really excited about this and in the last few weeks of delving into this program I have learned more about computer science than in my last 36 years. I will be posting links to my progress and talking more about my goals, but for now here’s a start. If you don’t have Java installed you will need to get it here.
When you open the link, wait a second until the squares start vibrating and then move your mouse around inside the window and click then you can move around and make things happen. It’s MAGIC!

Magic Squares

I should also note that this sketch is derived and modified from an exercise from Learning Processing by Daniel Schiffman. I will talk more about the book later as well.